Alishan Transportation
Chiayi City Bus Timetable to & from Alishan, Dabang & Fenchihu
Location of Chiayi Bus Station: No. 530 Zhongshan Road, Chiayi City, Taiwan
From Chiayi Train Station: It is about 130 meters away from the train station.
From HSR Chiayi Station: Take BRT Shuttle Bus at Exit 2 of HSR Chiayi Station to Chiayi Train Station. From there take a 2 minute walk/130 meters to Chiayi Bus Station.
Travelling time
From Chiayi Bus Station to Alishan: 2 hours
From HSR Chiayi Station to Alishan: 2 hours & 30 minutes
From Chiayi Bus Station (Chiayi City Bus) to Alishan/Dabang/Fenchihu |
From Alishan/Dabang/Fenchihu/ to Chiayi Bus Station |
From HSR Chiayi Station to Alishan |
From Alishan to HSR Chiayi Station |
From Fenchihu to Alishan |
From Alishan to Fenchihu |
06:10 (To Alishan) |
08:30 (From Dabang) |
10:10 |
14:40 |
11:55 |
13:10 |
06:30 (To Dabang/available on weekdays only) |
09:00 (From Fenchihu) |
11:40 |
16:40 |
07:10 (To Fenchihu) |
09:10 (From Alishan) |
07:40 (To Alishan) |
11:10 (From Alishan) |
08:10 (To Alishan) |
12:10 (From Alishan) |
12:40 (From Alishan) |
08:40 (To Alishan) |
13:10 (From Alishan) |
10:10 (To Alishan) |
14:10 (From Alishan) |
11:10 (To Dabang) |
14:10 (From Dabang on Saturday-Sunday only) |
12:10 (To Alishan) |
15:10 (From Alishan) |
14:10 (To Alishan) |
16:10 (From Alishan) |
15:10 (To Fenchihu) |
17:00 (From Fenchihu) |
17:10 (To Dabang/available on Friday-Saturday) |
17:10 (From Alishan) |
19:10 (From Dabang) |
Note: Bus schedule may be adjusted without prior notices. Please visit the official web site of Chiayi Bus for more information (currently only available in Mandarin).
Alishan Forest Train Schedule
Alishan Railway Station to/from Zhaoping & Alishan Sacred Tree stations
Station |
Alishan -> |
Zhaoping-> |
Alishan-> |
Sacred Tree -> |
Morning |
10:00 |
10:15 |
10:15 |
10:30 |
10:30 |
10:45 |
10:45 |
11:00 |
11:00 |
11:15 |
11:15 |
11:30 |
11:30 |
11:45 |
11:45 |
13:00 |
Afternoon |
13:00 |
13:15 |
13:15 |
13:30 |
13:30 |
13:45 |
13:45 |
14:00 |
14:00 |
14:15 |
14:15 |
14:30 |
14:30 |
14:45 |
14:45 |
15:00 |
15:00 |
15:15 |
15:15 |
15:30 |
15:30 |
15:45 |
15:45 |
16:00 |
Note: Train schedule may be adjusted without prior notices, please visit for more information.
Alishan-Sun Moon Lake Direct Bus
Yuanlin Bus no. 6739
Bus Fare: TWD 350/passenger/way
From Sun Moon Lake to Alishan: 08:00 & 09:00
From Alishan to Sun Moon Lake: 13:00 & 14:00
Passengers will be able to see various attractions during the ride include Tataja, Zhizhong Sacred Tree, Husband & Wife Tree, and Xinyimei Village. The bus will make a brief stop at Tataja and Xinyi Plum Factory for about 20-30 minutes.
1.Direct bus service will resume on December 15th, 2012.
2.Service will only be available depending on the road condition of No. 21 Taiwan Provincial Highway.
Please visit the official web site of Yuanlin Bus for more information (currently available only in Mandarin).Alishan Hotels
Alishan Attractions
Ruifeng Scenic Area
Ruifeng is about 2 kilometers north of Rueili. It is the second largest village ...
Taihe Scenic Area
Taihe is the farthest and the richest village of Meishan (plum mountain). It is ...
Alishan National Scenic Area
Alishan National Scenic Area was founded in 2001 and covers the Alisha...
Alishan Forest Recreation Area
Alishan Forest Recreation Area is located within Alishan National Scenic Area, a...
Alishan Sacred Tree
The Alishan Sacred Tree is one of the most notable Alishan attractions. The tree...
Alishan Shoujhen Temple
Located within the Alishan Forest Recreation Park, Shoujhen Temple is the larges...
Alishan Sisters Ponds
Located within the Alishan Forest Recreation Area, the Alishan Sisters&rsquo...
Fengshan Scenic Area
Fengshan is the highest farm village in Taiwan, surrounded by mountains. The geo...